Sunday, December 15, 2013

234: Life Goes On

It has been quite a while since the last time I've posted here. It's amazing how life happens to us when we open our door to welcome what it has to offer. The reason why I have been away for a month is because I had been very busy. 

In a short amount of time since I've posted here a lot of interesting events happened to my life. Opportunities came in. Although I have to say that the road that I took was not an easy one, I must say that it's worth it. 

In a short amount of time I have come across different experiences in which I have reached a high point, some took a low one. But I've prepared myself to take whatever challenges that will come my way. Although, I have to admit that it still scares me sometimes. But I have prayed hard for God to strengthen my faith, and to give me courage so I can overcome them unscathed. Besides, the path to greatness is to overcome battles. So I'm ready. 

But you know, so far, if there's something that I can say on all that I've experienced it's "life goes on (M.Twain) ". It's clichè, but it's the most honest summary that I can think of (spot on, Mark Twain!) We think we can hold on to life, on to moments but we can't. Life will force us to move to different chapters in our life, and that makes it amazing. 

But nothing to fear because during high times and low times we'll never be alone. We'll always have our family, friends on our back.

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Monday, October 28, 2013

233: the walking wonderer

Sometimes I think that I am a walking wonderer to the extreme point that I ended up confusing myself. I am not sure why I keep on bothering about the essence of our existence to the point that I have started reading Philosophy.

It's not surprising that because *some* people are so into understanding about life, reality, and whatnot that we ended having Philosophy. There are many theories about it, some of it is interesting -- partly crazy. Partly crazy because is it really necessary to define 'What life really is?', should we look for its definition as opposed to just live our life? 

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
 - Soren Kierkegaard
Scene from Benjamin Button
But among all the theories, I've taken such interest in Existentialism. Existentialism to summarize is:
Existentialism is the idea that all philosophical thought must begin with the experiences of the individual, and it is up to the individual to give meaning and authenticity to their own existence. ~ Chris Thomas
The reason why I've taken interest in Existentialism is because I thought isn't life should be a box of experiences? That by the end of our younger years we have so much wisdom, stories to share to the young people (just as Erik Erikson's 8th Stage of Development)? The philosophy just matches my idea which is why I have taken such interest about it.

But you know in the midst of my finding an answer, I ended up thinking 'Why the effin muffins do I even bother?' I mean is this even normal? Do you even wonder? //okay here I go a walking contradiction, lol.

I know it sounds crazy, but I hope I am making sense. Can we really just live a life without understanding anything about it? Can I? :|

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thought: Changes.

The past few days I haven't been able to write here because there's a lot of things that had happened. I think because of these changes that had happened it overwhelmed me so much to the point that I refuse to be honest about what I really feel. Nor accepted that everything had taken its place.

What do you think of change?

I do not want to sound trite, but I know that you are aware of the cliche 'nothing is constant but change'. And change happens because of time. We reach a certain point in our life that something has to happen that change is inevitable.

It's saddening really, you know change (well at least at a certain point).

I'm not sure how others could adapt so easily. I know I'm flexible that I could easily adapt to my environment but sometimes something just doesn't seem right. And I long for what I usually had: the people, the environment. Everything back to its place.

But I know despite of these *changes* eventually I'll get warm about it and even might be very thankful for the change. I think it's the matter of really just getting used to it. Like how once I felt when I had my tooth removed when I was a kid, I'd run my tongue over and over where it was once there before. It takes time getting used to it. Then, eventually I'd no longer even notice that it's no longer there anymore, because I'd move on.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

231: What? NO!

the blue line on the screen
Not quite having a good day today. Earlier, while I was watching G.I Jane (which is a darn good movie) and was switching tabs between Chrome and VLC, and hit the buttons command + t in VLC this blue line appeared.

I'm not sure if it's the LCD as the person responded to my inquiry in the Apple Community said that it's probably not. I could not believe that it's on LCD too because I did not drop my laptop. I could, however, blame an overuse. I'm sorry Mac. I just enjoyed you too much.

Now, I'm not exactly sure what to do about it. If a repair is necessary I know that it's gonna hurt my pocket so badly. So I am torn between two choices.

1. Wait for the computer to reach its death and buy a new one
2. Repair

I'll gear towards my first choice if fixing this would cost me more than 20,000+ as what others in the forums were predicting. I might as well save up and buy a durable laptop. But I have to admit that Mac laptop has a darnest good quality of display. The color and sharpness simply does not compare.

Sheeez, so much for an expensive gadget. This is what you get. Btw, if you're gonna ask this laptop is 2 years old.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

230: My life in Instagram: On Jars of Opportunity

First, horray, yeah? Finally I have updated. I had been wanting to update but due to endless raining last few weekends ago it reduced me to a state of lethargy. I had been - literally - wasting my weekends watching movies. But hey, my watching of movies didn't turn out to be just 'pointless'. I realized that I am into action films. So you see there's a self realization there. I'm getting to know myself better. hahaha. Okay, I'm just justifying my being lethargic for the past few weekends. *wink* *wink*. If you ask what I particularly enjoyed last weekend you might want to check out my getglue account { shamelessly plugging }. And yes, let's be friends. Shall we?

Since I am desperate to get this updated because I realized that I had gone MIA for a little while, I'll just post an entries based on my instagram photo-entries: 

  1. September Reads { John Maxwell's How to Influence People, Entrepreneur } - One of my goals is to read as many personal development books/magazines. I make it a point that I spend some time reading these kinds of readings. Besides, they say that what we should only expose ourselves to things that we want to happen in our life. So yeah, anything that could add to make myself better. But please don't get me wrong, I still read fictions. In fact I'm currently reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak (GoodReads). 
  2. Nikka and I's post birthday Celebration - My good friend Nikka and I celebrated her post birthday by going to the Book Fair. You might wonder where's a picture of that event? Forget it. Who went there? We went there last Sept 15, 2013. It's basically the last day of the event. It's Sunday and it was raining hard. Bad choice of date to visit it. It was pandemonium. I was not able to buy anything save for Jane Eyre. Seriously, I envisioned book fair so differently. I was hoping for magic, not thrashed, sold-books-without-dignity type of setup. So yeah, it was poor. We both didn't enjoy it. 
  3. Rachel-Effin-Weisz - She's my girl crush (along with Cate Blanchett, and Julianne Moore). I watched the Bourne Legacy (again) and Oz the Great and Powerful last weekend, and I cannot help but fall a little deeply in love with her. Man, her beauty is eternal. She's eternal. I hope she gets more movies coming up. I just checked her IMDB and the Oz was the last one written there. I hope she's not taking a long break just because she's already married to sir. Hot Guy James Bond, Daniel Craig. But I forgive her. lol. I LOVE YOU! <3 And if you're going to ask me if I stalked her during her shooting days here in Philippines, you know the answer to that. HAHAHA. 
  4. My WorldVentures Mastercard - Mannnn, my WorldVentures mastercard finally arrived. It means more money and more travel. Whatelse? If you want to know more about WorldVentures watch here
  5. T H A I L AN D | S O O N - And since I'm on WorldVentures the privilege to travel and learn is endless. Therefore, this December I got myself booked to go to Thailand. Actually, I got three trips coming Boracay ✈ Thailand ✈ Palawan. I'm not really a travel enthusiast but when I got to explore more about travelling when I joined WorldVentures, I realized that there's more to travelling than just burning cash (as others might look at it). There are a lot of reasons why you should travel but this video is suffice to summarize it all 
  6. Preserving the Old Roses - I got this roses somewhere in the house and I thought about preserving them by putting them on a small vial. I thought it was cute, so I placed and used it as an ornament on my working table. Some of the people who gets into my room takes a peek on it. They thought that I was preserving the rose because it was given by someone significant, little they did know that it was just 'some rose around the corner'. lol. 
It's amazing how in a small span of time a lot of things had happened and is continue to happen. Some people think that maybe I am just lucky, but you know, things happen because we make them happen. I mean, you simply cannot just wait for an opportunity to fall into your lap. We need to chase it - look for it. Just as how writing is. We do not wait for an inspiration to struck us, we just write.

So you know in opportunity to become a better version of ourselves, we have to start somewhere, anywhere. Learn how to speak French, learn how to dance, compliment someone. Anything that you think could make you a better person. Don't hesitate, don't be hopeless. Don't turn our back to an opportunity even how small it is, because we do not know what that opportunity will lead us to. Just believe that what we do in life (as long as it's good) it will get us somewhere good. Besides, we certainly do not want to live our life wondering 'what could have been', right?

To Good More Days to Come!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

229: Photowalk: BGC

My friend and I usually had a photowalk whenever time permits. Photowalk is what we do when we immerse ourselves in a place and just take random pictures. We do this because we wanted to practice our photography skills. 

We chose BGC for our location because of its cleanliness and artistic touch. I think you'll agree on that. It's also quite a safe place for people who are picture taking in a busy street without being too much paranoid if they'll get robbed. lol.

For this time mine's on a desaturated color, high exposure, and white wash. I love the smoky effect it has on the picture because it makes the picture look quite dreamy. 

Panasonic Lumix GF3 for camera


Wednesday, September 4, 2013

228: Maxi the Musical: Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros

Catch the much anticipated debut of Maximo Oliveros in a stage musical! Bit by bit company, in cooperation with the PETA Theater Center and the Cultural Center of the Philippines present: MAXIE THE MUSICAL: Ang Pagdadalaga ni Maximo Oliveros! For tickets reservation, please contact Oskie at 09178744175.

A Perfect treat for your friends, partner, and family!

Monday, September 2, 2013

227: Why you should travel

226: Running is Crazy.

I love running. Before I share the reason why I love running, I have to confess that I hate running too. The reason why I hate running is because it's an all-endurance-kind-of-sports. Whenever I'm about to run, I knew somewhere along the run, that my body would start complaining. They would literally scream for me to stop running, that they could no longer take another step. Maybe like dealing with children with tantrums. Whenever this happens, I always end up shushing them, telling them to just take it a few more meters. Pleaseee just a few more meters!

I could not tolerate it whenever I stop. It annoys me. It bugs me, because I wanted to cover a certain distance without a stop. I do not run like as if I am on race. I run according to my rhythm, but my good old body could not take the stretch. And whenever I end up walking, I feel like I cheated because in the first place my intention was to run, not to walk. 

But it's okay, I think I just need to allow my body to get used to the pain, so it could adjust to running. So there's hope for that.

Now, for the reason why I love running. The number one reason why I love running is because of its discipline. I do not know for others, but running could be daunting sometimes. When I already feel the need to run and end up thinking the distance that I have to do, the sweat that I'll be sweating, I'd end up passing. It's just so daunting! I actually feel so envious to those who are really committed to running, because they run without reasons. They say that running is mental, it is indeed. These people who runs despite reasons can actually tone down their mental thinking about running. I have so much respect to them because they remain true to their commitments.

This is why I wanted to get into running. I know that if I am able to get myself committed to running, like keeping true to my schedule, running despite reasons, and circumstances I will level up my skills for self-discipline. I know that this will make me a better person. So, running for me is not just physical but crazy really a personal thing.

Let's run more, shall we? ;)

Share your thoughts about running on the comment!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

224: Listen: Debbie Millman: Fail Safe

Every once in a while — often when we least expect it — we encounter someone more courageous, someone who choose to strive for that which (to us) seemed unrealistically unattainable, even elusive. And we marvel. We swoon. We gape. Often , we are in awe. I think we look at these people as lucky, when in fact, luck has nothing to do with it. It is really about the strength of their imagination; it is about how they constructed the possibilities for their Life. In short, unlike me, they didn’t determine what was impossible before it was even possible. 
Fail SafeDebbie Millman's fantastic illustrated essay of timeless advice on courage and the creative life.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

223: How do you define your life?

 Do all the other things, the ambitious things – travel, get rich, get famous, innovate, lead, fall in love, make and lose fortunes, swim naked in wild jungle rivers (after first having it tested for monkey poop) – but as you do, to the extent that you can, err in the direction of kindness. Do those things that incline you toward the big questions, and avoid the things that would reduce you and make you trivial. That luminous part of you that exists beyond personality – your soul, if you will – is as bright and shining as any that has ever been. Bright as Shakespeare’s, bright as Gandhi’s, bright as Mother Teresa’s. Clear away everything that keeps you separate from this secret luminous place. Believe it exists, come to know it better, nurture it, share its fruits tirelessly. And someday, in 80 years, [...]I hope you will say: It has been so wonderful.
- George Saunders message to Graduates

Let's talk about life. Back when I was in college, I often thought how mundane it is to just live, work, have family, work, and retire. Not that there's something wrong in that sequence. But I thought that I am sure there's more to life than that. I knew mine is. I knew deep inside that we are born with purpose. So I seek, I seek for answers to my questions.

We have different meaning of what life is: Mine could be very well different from yours. But if you'd ask me what life is: I believe it's experience. Experience different (good) adventures, see different places, experience different emotions, and ingrate everything on memory so when I reach my aging years I will be able to tell my stories to my grand daughters/sons. Write them on a book and share how exhilarating it is to skydive at Peru, how beautiful the sunset is in Mykonos, Greece. How beautiful France at midnight, To join the volunteer and feed the people at Kenya, and etc,. I want to experience all of this without limitation, hence I am glad that I found what I wanted to pursue (and I'm pursuing it now!).

I want to glorify my struggles, pains, and challenges and how it shaped me to become the person I am. To inspire people and make them realize that those pains are not there to break us but to make us a better person. For me, the ultimate goal is to know that through my experience I am able to inspire and motivate people.

I want to define my life as someone who found happiness by appreciating, and seeing God's handcraft to us.

We could have different view of what life is. Others, might say that they have lived life by being loved, by finding happiness through living simple, or by devoting themselves to God. Every one of us a different definition. So you, what's yours?

Monday, August 12, 2013

221: a Bag of Mixed Beans: Instagram, and a pint of vent

  1. Paroxysm of Rage - This watercoloring I've painted borne out of frustration. I find watercoloring a good venting method to alleviate some of my pent up emotions. It's not so much but I'm quite happy of the outcome.
  2. You should be here! - Man, I had this back when I was in Singapore attending the Millionaire Bootcamp, that's my ID lace. I miss the environment there, I miss the people, the energy, the mentors. Man, truly one of the best bootcamp ever.
  3. A Mix of Curry - I had one of the best curry in Singapore. We ate in the local Indian restaurant, and as much as the smell nauseates me, I did enjoy it. I didn't have much rice, but substituted prata bread instead but I'm telling you even though I didn't have much rice I feel very heavy afterwards.
  4.  Synergy - That's the people I spent time with. I was in the extreme left standing next to my wonderful sister. I miss these people.
  5. Nananana #Ironman - Look at my cute-sy Ironman flashdrive. Very nerdy, isn't it?
  6. My Decision - That yellow badge that I got in the Millionaire bootcamp is my decision. You might be wondering what decision it is, but this decision I took is the commitment that I made that I chose to be successful in the endeavor that I took. 

For the past few days I had been a little bit of a mixed up. Mixed up because I finally found what I want to do in my life but sometimes, sometimes I cannot help but also second-guess myself. I know I've been rallying on being optimist, and fighting for what we want in life but sometimes reality just keeps on knocking on my head to be realistic.

But honestly, I've been rolling my eyes when I hear about being realistic because seriously as Will Smith shared that 'being realistic is the most commonly traveled road to mediocrity'. So you know, it makes me ill to think of not pursuing my goals because of my shortcomings or because of some lame excuses because I just can't. I can't just live my life not being able to carry out my goals, because I have to be realistic. ugh.

To tell you honestly, I'm not sure how I can work it out, but I really have faith. I have faith in my God, in Laws of Attraction, in the power of decision that I made ... so whatever, I swear, it will work out. ✌

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

220: Sail Away!

Stop holding yourself back. Take (calculated) risk and sail away from your safe harbor. Life's too short to settle for comfort.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

219: Live a Life that You Deserve

For the span of 5 months, I went to different countries. I cannot believe that I have been in and out off the country for a short time period. Tell you what, don't think that I'm rich. It's God's way of showering me with his blessings, and of the opportunities given to me. Opportunities presents itself, but it's up to us to take (calculated) risk and fight for it.

Last Friday: August 2, I went back to Singapore to attend the Bootcamp. No words. I just can't explain the incredible feeling of what I attended in Singapore last Friday - Sunday. I have never attended a personal development/business event that could turn my whole world upside down. The people, the energy is just too overwhelming. The added bonus there is that: I have met new friends that I know could lift me higher.

They said that we should surround ourselves with people who will do good to us, and in that moment, when I was in that event ,I just found those people. It's not that I'm turning my back to my friends, they are my still my best buddies anyhow. I just found the people who are going to be my anchor.

A piece of advice, Tom Hanks' famous character Forrest Gump said that "Life is a box of chocolate, you'll never know what you'd gonna get". I found myself in the same situation, but instead of box, I was facing a six pieces of donuts all incredibly looking good. We only had a chance to pick one, and I know I've got to choose the one that I think I truly deserve. So you know, don't settle for less. Demand a better life because we deserve it. It's not going to be easy, but man it's going to be worth it.

I have never been so grateful for people who told me to attend. It was worth every penny.

Meeting Johnny Wimbrey. If you havent heard of him, he's a hollywood life coach, and a successful entrepreneur ( He is someone like Anthony Robbins. Being able to hear him talk about life inspires me to live life to the fullest. He's such a powerful speaker, motivator, and inspiration. It was like as if he was talking to me personally. When the bootcamp ended I left the auditorium with such optimism because of the wisdom and philosophy he had shared. Thanks for being such an eye opener,

And he responded! This is just the start of fulfilled and wonderful days.

One day, I'll live my life - FULL TIME - just like these people. Fun, Freedom, Fulfillment.

Monday, July 29, 2013

217: Lombok, Indonesia: Day 2+

First, I apologize I do not mean to bombard this with my updates. But, I try to be detailed as I can so I can remember exactly what happened on my trips. I hope FB will stay long enough to keep these pictures for the next few years.

Anyway, second day. As much as I can, I try to savor time when I am in abroad. I wake up early and stay late at night hoping I could pro-long the moment. I guess each of us has that "I hope this moment never end" sentiments while on vacation, hoping in vain that time would slowdown. Relativity, yes, Einstein you were right.

On our second day, we went to the local community, visited the place where the locals work doing pottery, and weaving. It's amazing that the women are hired to do this kind of work simply due to the attitude needed to get the job done right. The tour guide even said that the reason why it's the women who do these kind of jobs is because of their patience, and their attention to detail. The dichotomy of work category based on gender is observed on this place. But what was amazing though is the patience and imagination that these people needed in order to get the job done. Weaving, for example, is not an ordinary job. It requires a technical understanding as to how to put a design by knowing where to place a certain thread. It's just beyond me on how they do it.

Next, we went to Kuta beach. The Kuta beach is popular place for surfers. Although unfortunately we were far where the surfers surf. We were on the low-tide part. But man, the view is extraordinary. Kinda makes you think about paradise. lol.

Last, we went on the Sasak village. Sasak village is the place where the indigenous lives. Like certain indigenous tribes, it's normal for them to marry their cousins. There are also certain tradition observed when they marry: men paying a number of goats or cows to the family. Weaving and farming is what they also do for living.

We ended the day by having a red themed party (w/ costumes!). We got to interact with people who are in World Ventures too. It made me feel like we were a one big family. Since, it was my first Dreamtrip, I made sure that I am going to win the most creative costume, and I did. I brought my CAT hat, but I sure looked like I belong in the airforce. lol.

All in all the trip was amazing. It taught me a lot about life in general. Also, it's a bonus that the people I am with are business minded, optimistic, and fun loving people. It was so easy to get along with them. This Dreamtrip would not certainly be my last one as the experience was totally a bliss.

You should be here!

The beautiful Kuta Beach

Jon's legs, and my sister walking ...

The Sasak indigenous granma weaving out of cotton 

Painting collection in the weaving house we went

Look! I got to try weaving too :)

The local women weaving

The party after the visit on the locals :)

The awards, the music, the party!

Saturday, July 27, 2013

215: Travel: Bali/Lombok, Indonesia: Day 1

They say that airport plays a significant part to let you know what awaits you on the country that you are visiting. Seeing the Denpasar International Airport (DPS) upon arrival excites me because the exterior has an exotic-asian touch. If I am a westerner, the airport itself would let me know that I am indeed in an asian place. Unlike (probably) some asian airports that's heading to modern style. But what was the huge let down was that: DPS is actually small inside. There is no way that you can hang around. It's certainly a 'pass-through' place.

First, flying to Indonesia alone is daunting. I blame my paranoia over little things. But I have been traveling alone and I'm pretty much confident with my instincts and my capabilities with what I should do if things do not come as planned. But things went smooth, and my sister and I saw each other without any problems (she flew from Singapore).

The trip was basically part of the Dreamtrips. We stayed at the Senggigi Beach Resort at Lombok. The resort had surpassed my expectations. First, it's not crowded. Second, the hotel was very good, although rustic (i'm not sure if this is part style). Third, the buffet/food was amazing. Fourth, the place is just ideal for people who wants to have a wonderful time, and rest. Fifth, the service was excellent. 
Sixth ... I can go on, lol. I am actually impressed that for a cheap price we got so much. World Ventures stayed true to their promise and gave us a trip worth remembering. 

What I really enjoyed was that we were able to enjoy the culture, and local information about place. We learned about the Chinese people who got into that place first because they were mining for coals and silver. Also, I have learned about the Dutch intervention, and etc., There were so much to learn! The pottery, the women in the place, the culture, the locals, the community. The itinerary was already provided by World Ventures, and all we had to do was lay back enjoy the wave, information, party, and have fun.

They say that in life the only ones that we remember are the experiences, and the memories, and this is certainly one of mine.

A welcome for us Dreamtrippers!

Someone is so happy at that moment.

Our trusty plane! :)

This is the place where people hangout: listening to the waves, the reggae songs, and chilled beers and wonderful foods.

Quite a view right?

Our view. We can hear the waves crashing on this area:

Some chilled beers for the long flight.

Romanticizing the night with some Bob Marley songs, great food, and wonderful company.

The reception area: quite a view eh?

The infinity pool. I love swimming here. It's a wonderful pool.

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