Sunday, July 29, 2012

160: I am not stopping!

Almost failed to post today. If there's a reason why I am going to fail to post today is the fact that I am feeling depressed and frustrated. *sigh* What's depressing at the moment is the fact that my projects that I have been proposing to people I know seems to be unaccepted. I mean, the thing is I have been sharing to them the ideas that I have ... yet they are somehow turned down. Or if not turned down, they were left hanging. They agree, yet no action was taken. I feel bereft and definitely scattered, because I am clinging to my ideas and hope but I don't know how I could ever start. I could not identify what I am missing. There's something wrong within my strategy as to why my ideas keep on falling apart. 

If you want to know no ... I haven't given up on my ideas yet. I just have a hard time executing them rightly. There's something wrong with what I am doing or with the actions that I have taken or with my plans. All of these challenges might be taking my time but I believe that despite the fact that I couldn't act fast, or I couldn't execute my ideas as fast as others, I know the struggles will be worth it. Besides, if I continue doing it ... I know I will attract all the things that I need. Then, everything will fall into the right place.

To perseverance!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

159: Learning to Ride a Bike and On My Blog's Future

Hihihi, I am happy that I am able to post this Saturday night. If you want to know, I am really sleepy at the moment but then I wanted to get this entry published,  because I have the spirit. I guess. :p

Anyway, my friend had asked me about this blog and she asked why I even bother since no one seems to be reading my entries. My friend had a point, why would I even bother blogging/writing about entries that I think no one ever reads? I told her that I certainly believe that maybe one percent or probably a point something percent stumbles here in my blog and the chances of having that audience read an entry means everything to me. Plus, I am doing this because I love writing, inspiring, and motivating. So I am doing this for my passion. :)

With regards to that, I decided to make an official Love, Leah blog. That place will be where I will dump my entries, articles on the net, blog entries I found on the net, videos created by others, and/or anything that I think would fit my Love, Leah mission/vision. I think doing that would at least fit everything. Not unlike at this page where my entries does not connect to my very past personal entries. hahaha!

You know, if there's anything that I want to share at this time it's the story of how I learned to ride my bike. 
To say, I love bicycles! I love how I see kids ride their bikes. It always gives me an impression that having a bike would take me to places. So, it was one of my dreams to learn how to ride a bike. I got a bike when I was a kid, but then my bike had training wheels. When I broke that bike, my parents did not get me one again. I was already on my 5th grade when my dad bought our mountain bike. So you see I am basically inept in riding. But I knew it was an opportunity for me to make my dream come true. So, I decided that I will start learning to ride a bike again even without training wheels. Gulp!

As expected, my first ride was bad. Ugly bad. I keep on falling on the ground. It was hard because I was small for our mountain bike that if I fell I wouldn't be able to use my legs as a support. So most of the time I end up injuring myself. 

But since I wanted so badly to learn how to ride it, I kept practicing. I rode my bike every day despite of the injuries that I get. I keep on telling myself that I'm sure I'll do better next time, and until one day ... I did. I no longer have to find a support (I always use our gate so I ride our bike so pretty close in our gate) and I was riding .... and I felt like I was flying. Yes, it took me to places. It made me feel the wind against my face. It was freeing. I loved how it felt when I realize that I was riding! I cannot explain the incredible happiness that I felt when I was riding so far without stopping.

Learning how to ride my bike was one of the most essential lesson I have learned in my life. I realized that if I wanted something so badly, regardless of the hard work and the pain ... it wouldn't stop me. Because I know I am determined to achieve it.

To determination!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

158: Conquering Myself


I almost failed to post today. But I didn't, which I think what matters most. :p haha! Anyway, I am writing about self-discipline today. You have to know that this is what I have been practicing lately. You see, one of my target is to buy Panasonic Lumix GF3 which costs 21+++K. I know I can buy it within my month's salary but I have decided to save 4K per month (5K on the last month). I wanted to have that camera so badly because I want to take blogging on another level, and having this camera would help me achieve that. But there are things that I have to consider before even considering on splurging. Hence, at this moment I have been repressing my being impulsive (It's hard, very very hard).

My impulsive self  wanted to splurge and just buy it. But buying it would mean that I have to skip giving a certain percentage of my salary to my parents, cheating on my monthly savings, and etc., which I cannot do. I know my parents would understand, and I know I can pass on savings, but I told myself that I have committed on those so skipping for a month was not an option. Plus, that would mean that I am breaking my commitment. Right? :))

Controlling myself lead me to realize this: disciplining myself is hard. But the reminder that I have to continue doing what I have started on (sort of -- okay I'm not yet used to it), alleviates my dampening mood.

You might wonder why dampening mood? Dampening mood because I'm telling you it's hard. I wouldn't deny that not buying what I wanted the most at this moment (knowing I can) sort of depresses me. But I believe practicing this self-control ~ despite how it makes me feel ~ would lead to better results in the future. It has to lead on something beautiful. I know and I believe it. So yes, delayed gratification for me at this moment. But it will be worth it. :)

To Conquering ourselves!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

156: On Self-Commitment

"Come on, you promised."

"But what am I suppose to write?"

"Well, I don't know. Why don't you just sit in front of your laptop and just start on something… Anything. I'm sure something will come out of it."

"But what if there's none?"

"Something will."

"augh, I'm sort of tired."

"You had enough sleep. Just go! Think of your commitment. If you break this you'll be breaking another."

Can you believe that that communication transpired between me and ... myself ... inside my head. HAHAHA. Seriously! You see I have promised to myself that every week, every weekend I need to publish an entry. Unfortunately, just right after I woke up I didn't have that enthusiasm of writing. I thought about giving it up for today. I told myself that I could do it tomorrow. But I felt that if I start breaking this promise soon enough I will be breaking others. 

But alas! Talking to myself and reminding myself that I need to stay true to my commitment won.

So here I am writing. Finally! And I actually feel good about it. 

Despite of how much I wanted to practice staying true to my commitments there will still come a time that something will pull me back. There will be a lot of external and internal factors that will lead me to failing on my supposed self-promises. But actually thinking about it, and telling myself that I need to get it accomplished helps me.

My friends asked me that they like how productive I could be for the whole day. I tell them that it's not easy because there will always be something that I have to battle with in order for me to get something accomplished. But being decisive that I have to do it; that I need to do this, that there will be no room for procrastination drives me to achieve my goals. #BeatProcastination #ToProductivity

There will be a lot of ways in how someone could get something done (I mean isn't that supposed to be a personal style? - haha), in how a person could battle procrastination and laziness. But I believe that it really starts with that firm decision that we will stick to our commitment (no matter what's the cost) will help us accomplish our goals.

So start making small commitments and stay true to that commitment and after a month or so I believe we could accomplish something great.

To productivity!

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

155: Motivational and Inspirational Resources

I wonder what's up with the resolution? Hmm. I have set the settings right but it still looks grainy. Anyway, here's the page where I would be putting all the inspirational and motivational books, blog entries, music, poetry, anything under the sun that has inspired/motivated me. I want to share it in case you need a little embers to spark your fire.

Marc And Angel Hack Life (Practical Tips for Productive Living)- This is a very good resource of inspiration and motivation. They write tips basically on how to live life. You might want to check this blog out.

Marc and Angel Hack Life's 30 Things to Start Doing to Yourself - I highly recommend this one. This one helped me to reset my new year's resolution. Go read!

Wanderrgirl's The Young - Go - Getters Guide to Staying Organized and Motivated - Wanderrgirl's entry of how to stay organized and motivated to work towards your goal is very helpful. For clutter mind and for people having piled up goals. :) haha! I'm one of you guys.

Facebook Groups
Daily Inspiration and Motivation - Like this group to have your daily dose of inspirational quotes, videos, and graphics.

Rich Dad, Poor Dad - Robert Kiyosaki
The Secret - Rhonda Byrne


So those were the few things I have read that have inspired/motivated me. I'm still a starter in self improvement so there will be more to come! Do try, them and let me know what you think of them.

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