Thursday, November 3, 2011

99: Rant!: Losing Touch?

I have been wondering if I have lost my touch towards the habits that I used to love. First, losing my love on writing. I have been a frustrated writer. I may not be a proficient writer but yes every now and then (before) I used to ramble on my journal. I used to compose quite a few paragraphs. Now, I'm down to 1 paragraph to a few sentences.

I usually blame my work; telling myself that I am too tired to even think of an entry. Or I'd rather caught up with my missed sleep that's why I procrastinate writing until forgotten.

Second, losing my attraction towards drawing. I have been trying to improve my drawing ever since. Like on drawing, I also lost my attention on drawing.

It's frustrating. I know I do not want to lose these habits. In fact I want to add few things in my habits. There's sculpting, painting, and cooking. I hope that I won't be the type of person who turned out to be slaves of work that the only thing they know to do is to work and sleep.

Oh well ... So does this mean that I have totally lost my touch? -- no not yet. I may not write as often as I used to but at least I am able to think what to write about. As you know, evident of this entry. Then, I still have a time to draw though very very little. But, if I manage not to practice them even - even a little while, I'll lose it.

So I guess this all depends on me now, right?

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