Monday, June 20, 2016

292: Political Awakening

Where have I been last month? I was not really away, but I was occupied. Last month had been a busy month in the Philippines because of the elections. To say, this year's election must be the most divisive and brutal election ever. I think most of us had been a witness of how each candidates fought to ensure victory. This also encouraged their supporters to take action too. We have seen people fighting in the internet. The fight that took place in social media was the worst!

There are a lot of bickering, insulting, name calling, and whatnot. I'm not sure if we will ever get back to the way we were for the next few months. But hopefully we will!

You may wonder how is this related to my post, you see last month I also took action. Well, the reason why I rallied for that candidate I believe in is because I believe that if I really wanted that person to win I should not only render a lip service, an action is necessary. So yeah, I took part.

If there's anything that I have learned in the election it's necessary that we choose a side. The most disservice that we can do for our country is to remain indifferent. It doesn't matter if we choose black or white what is important is that we choose a side based on our moral values, based on our beliefs.

If you want to know if my chosen candidate won, she did. She won by a slim margin. But her victory was not the end, it's just the beginning of a long journey for her and for us her supporters. The next step that we have right now is to provide our service for her causes too. We need to dream along with her. We need to help her achieve her dreams for the people in fringes of the society.

I'm excited.

gif from maria-lenor @ tumblr

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