Tuesday, March 15, 2016

288: Twenty - Freaking - Seven

Funnier with Parents
When I celebrated my birthday for the past few years they were all written in here. Here's a post when I turned 24, 25, 26, and now I am writing for my 27th birthday. I like how different my entries were. It only says how much had changed in terms of my perspective, and how much had changed in how I celebrate my birthday. The older I get, I preferred a small audience, and this is just one of those things that had changed.

I decided that writing post-birthday celebration will be an annual habit, or an annual touch point of how I went for the past few months before I add another number to my age. Maybe it would be even wise to write down my wishes for myself (in spite of how ambitious they may sound), and see if I were brave enough to even pursue them, or I left them as a dream.

So how did my birthday exactly went? It went quietly. I celebrated my birthday with my parents. It's not that I have no friends to celebrate it with, but unfortunately, my birth date was sandwich in between working days so most of my friends were occupied. However, even if there were sans grand celebration of my big day I felt blessed to be able to celebrate them with my nanay and tatay. Besides, didn't they say that we create our own happiness?

This 27 years, all I wish for myself are the following:
  • Continue persevering towards your dream. You've always wanted to bring to life the business that you were imagining so go on, bring it to life. You are creative, smart, and amazing, you'll win your customers, you'll make it.
  • Stop thinking about how others perceives you while you try to shoot for the stars. You worry too much that people would think that you are arrogant, or ambitious to reach for it, but actually it's only you who were thinking about that. Besides, is their perception of you matters more than your dreams? Go, prove to people that you can achieve your dreams with your feet on the ground.
  • Remember what Tony said? Focus on your personal values. In the end of the day it's not about the academic belts that you've gained, nor the position that you reach it's the values that you uphold that will take you farther in this life.
  • Never forget God in the end of the day. Remember what st. Augustine said 'Pray like as if everything depends on God, and work like as if everything depends on You'. God is faithful, so stay on the course, keep believing, and continue to move on. God will not let your foot slip. He keeps His promise!
We can do it, Self! You, and I you're only 27, so go and let's conquer the world!

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